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ZIP Books

Are Here!
Can’t find your favorite author at the library? Looking for the first in a series but it’s not in the catalog? Interested in an obscure title no one else has heard of? How about that bestseller from a year or so ago you meant to get back to?
Well now’s your chance! The library currently has access to a FREE Interlibrary Loan option called Zip Books. (Yes, I said they’re FREE!)
Here’s the lowdown:
ZIP Books are FREE!
Zip Books ship directly to YOUR address!
You can keep them for up to 6 weeks!
Keep in mind:
You may request only one ZIP Book at a time
The ZIP Book you request cannot be an item already in our catalog
DVDs and music CDs are not available
Available to Mendocino County Library cardholders only
Your ZIPBook must be more than 1 year old
Your ZIP Book cannot be more than $35
You can fill out the form online here Zip Book Request
or pickup a paper form at your local branch.
Please note: When your ZIP book arrives in the mail it will have a small instructional insert that says “A gift from Wayne Walker”. Please bring the slip along with the book when you return it to the library.
If the item you want is not available via this option, you may place a standard InterLibrary Loan request for a $2 non-refundable fee by checking the box at the bottom of the form.