
Summer Reading Kick-off

Summer Reading 2021

June 11 — July 23


Summer Reading is back!

Starting June 11th, sign-up and start reading for prizes!

Join us for a LIVE online presentation of one of our all-time favorites—NorCal Bats! July 13 at 3 pm (check our website & Facebook for the link as the performance date draws near).

Also, we are thrilled to have the infamous Coventry & Kaluza perform for us on July 23 at 11 am. This performance is scheduled as an outdoor socially distanced event but may be moved online dependent on Covid-19 mandates.

Check the website for more info as the summer progresses.

Pick up a reading log at the library beginning June 11th (or keep track of your reading hours online at and read, read, read!

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