
Covid-19 Diaries

Covid-19 diariesCovid-19 Diaries

Ukiah Branch Library is looking for participants to share their Covid-19 experiences. Submissions can be letters, poems, essays, photos, artwork or videos. Interested? Read the Press Release below then give them a call.

Press Release

“Post Date:07/15/2020 9:25 AM

The Ukiah Library is pleased to announce our partnership with the California State Library (CSL) in the creation of the Covid-19 Diaries. CSL is working with local libraries to collect COVID-19 stories from across the state. From July 31st through December 31st, submit your essays, poems, letters, photographs, artworks or videos about your experiences during this time.

The Ukiah library invites participants of all ages to contribute so that we can preserve these memories for future Californians. We have all been impacted irrespective of background. This project strives to bring unity through our common experiences during these hard times; your work will be preserved for future generations to experience and learn from.

If you would like to share, please submit your experience by email to For more information, please visit their website
If you have any questions, please contact Katrina at the Ukiah Library 707-463-4490.”

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