
Zip Books Are Back!!!

ZIPNow, through June 2024, ZIP Books are back!

What are ZIP Books?

Developed by the California State Library, in partnership with the NorthNet Library system, and supported with California Library Services Act funds, the ZIP Books Program was designed to expand the use of an alternative model for interlibrary loan services, reducing the need for libraries to search outside their home systems to obtain materials requested by patrons.

For several years the ZIP Books Program has been instrumental in helping fill material needs here in Mendocino County and we are thrilled to be selected to continue with this unique program.

How does the ZIP Books program work?

Zip Books are ordered and shipped for free directly to your mailing address by a third-party vendor.
Zip Books are checked out to general card holders only. They are checked out to your library account as soon as they are ordered and you can keep them for 4-6 weeks after receiving them in the mail.
Eligible items are those that the Mendocino County Library does not own (Books or Audio Books permitted)
Normally we limit ZIP Books to one at a time, per person, however, due to the late start, you can order TWO at a time. A new request may be placed after previous Zip Books are returned.
DVDs and music CDs are not available.
No pre-publication items, other restrictions may apply.

Check out the Mendocino County Library ZIP and ILL page for more information on how the program works and to get started with your first ZIP Book.

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