
We Recommend…(you check out our Staff Picks!)

We Recommend…

Looking for your next great read but don’t know where to start?

Well you’re in luck!


staff picksFirst, stop by our Staff Picks shelf in the front of the library (near the NEW books) where you’ll find a vast array of diverse titles from a group of readers who have strong feelings about the books in the collection (US!). We are always pulling our favorites from the stacks to add to the shelf so check back often.

If you’re still not finding a good one to curl up with, check out our Staff Picks page which is updated with more of our favorites every month. Some are new titles but a lot are older ones that are easy to get your hands on quickly.

You can also sign up for our email recommendations list, NextReads. When you sign up, you can select genres and authors you’re interested in to get read-alike recommendations. It’s a great tool when you just don’t know where to look for your next great read.

If you are still having trouble, check out our We Recommend page for more links to recommended reading materials and sites. 

Plus, don’t hesitate to ask us for suggestions or tell us about your favorite reads. We love to talk about books, DVDs and CDs people are interested in! Who knows? Maybe your favorites will become some of ours in the near future.

PS while you’re in the front of the library, check out the LUCKY DAY shelf. Hot titles without the long wait! Hence, it’s your LUCKY DAY!



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