We Recommend…

As staff members (and volunteers) a common question is what do we recommend? Patrons often ask for recommendations of good books to read, great movies we’ve seen, even audiobooks with exciting readers. Since our tastes vary across the board, we’ve put together a few links to online resources for getting good recommendations in the genres and styles you like reading. Check out “our” recommendations…
Staff Picks–Here you’ll find what we’ve been reading and recommend. You’ll also find our favorite reads, old and new, on our Staff Picks shelf at the front of the library.
NoveList Plus. Book recommendations from the Readers’ Advisory.
GoodReads–The world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations, whose mission is to help people find and share books they love. 750 million books have been added with 29 million reviews. At Goodreads, you can create a profile, keep track of what you’ve read and build your own virtual library with your favorite titles. You can also see what your friends are reading and receive recommendations based on your past reading experience.
Fantastic Fiction–Bibliographies for over 30,000 authors. Information on over 350,000 books. Throughout the site, just click on a book to see its cover picture, description and publication details.
What Should I Read Next?–Enter a book you like and this site will analyze their database of real readers’ favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
BookBrowse–An online magazine for book lovers – including reviews, previews, “behind the book” backstories, author interviews, reading guides, and much more.
Whichbook–This site allows you to discover books based on many different factors including characters, plot, setting your mood, etc.
Library Thing–Boasting over one million members and a book catalog nearing 70 million titles, this site is for serious book lovers. Library Thing lets you create a profile and view what your friends are reading, as well as browse their substantive catalog. Join one of the online discussion groups, or check out the message board; a social and active book network awaits you!
Stop, You’re Killing Me!–An excellent resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. They list over 4300 authors, with chronological lists of over 49,000 titles, both series and non-series.
Read.gov Booklists–Read.gov presents a sampling of suggested books that will spark the imagination and transport readers to new and exciting places. Look for these books in your local library. The books supplement the online resources in the American Memory website. Following each list is a link to the corresponding online resources. Lists include Kids, Teens and Adults.
Gallery Bookshop & Bookwinkle’s Children’s Books—our own, local favorite. Located at 319 Kasten St, Mendocino, CA. Check out their staff favorites.
NPR Books We Love—“Great reads, thoughtfully curated”. A wonderful list of great reads dating back to 2013.
Most Recommended Books—find the best recommendations from experts and celebrities.
And don’t forget to ask at the desk for titles we recommend…