
NorCal Bats on ZOOM

Northern California Bats Virtual Presentation

July 13, 2021

3 pm

Join us for an exciting, live, informative lecture on bats!

This presentation will include:

Live bats of California native species presented for viewing and discussion.
Informative slides and videos about bats.
A discussion of the harmful myths that surround these animals.
Information about the importance of bats in our environment.

The presentation lasts approximately 45 mins with time at the end for questions from attendees.

Register Here

About NorCalBats:

NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of bats throughout Northern California. Learn about these animals and their importance as insect control. Inform others and help protect our natural world. Dispel misconceptions and save these highly valuable mammals with education and rescue.

Here is a short sample of one of their virtual bat lectures:

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