How to search for and request a checked-in item (updated)
How to search for and request an item that is Checked-In at Fort Bragg Library
Please note: Sonoma County Library (our Find! Catalog parent) has simplified our searches to quickly see which libraries own copies of the titles we are looking for. This is a temporary update to coincide with our Curbside Pickup programs. Once we are back to regular operations, these searches will revert back to the original Find! Catalog functions. Thank you for your patience with this process.
First, go to In the top right hand corner you will see a blue Search the Catalog button. Click on the button.
The next screen you should see is this
Next, where it says General Keyword, hover over the arrow to the right where you can choose to narrow your search to Author, Title, Subject etc. You can also leave this on General Keyword.
Type in your search information (author, title, etc) in the search box to the left of the orange SEARCH button and then click on that button. (for the sake of this demo, I have selected an author’s name)
Clicking the SEARCH button produces a screen with a listing of items based on your search. As you scroll down you’ll see each item has a list of libraries who own a copy and what that copy’s status is. You are looking for Fort Bragg Library under the Branch heading and Checked In under the Item Status heading. If Fort Bragg isn’t listed, we don’t own a copy. If Fort Bragg is listed by the Item Status is anything other than Checked In, it is not available to request at this time.
Note: Pay attention to item type (i.e. CDs, Books, etc) which you can narrow by selecting the format in the left column and clicking on Include.
Keep in mind, this is not a guarantee the item is there and available. There are many factors that could hinder your request, such as the item checked out to someone else earlier in the day (the catalog updates overnight) or the item could be missing or damaged.
Once you have determined the item you want is checked in, the following instructions tell you how to request it.
To request an item whose status is Checked In at Fort Bragg Library, follow these instructions:
At the top of the Mendocino County Library catalog page is a blue information banner. Click on this banner to access the Curbside Information page.
Read the Curbside Information page. Near the bottom, there are links to the request form for each location. Select the Fort Bragg link.