How to Become a Member of the Friends

How to Become a Member of the Friends

Friends of the Fort Bragg Library is a nonprofit organization that supports the library. The Friends fundraise using a variety of activities each year, including book sales, benefits, etc. and they promote public awareness for the library, library activities, and services.

Most importantly, members serve as advocates for the library before governing bodies that pass the laws affecting libraries, funding and services. Friends of the Fort Bragg Library work to keep the library strong and extend services, programs, and resources into the community. Those are just the ways the group helps the library, but do you want to know how you would benefit? Well, not only would you get a sense of pride for being involved in your library and community you also get early entry to our book sales. Plus, your membership dues help extend library services. Friends funds pay for programs, books, and services, not just during the summer, but all year round.

Now that you know all of the benefits of being a Friend of the Fort Bragg Library, you want to join, right?

The process to register as a member or renew a current membership is quick and easy. All it takes is a simple form and a membership fee of $10 per person. (When registering make sure to sign up for volunteer chances and let us know which event or service you would like to get more involved in)

Don’t delay, join today! Stop by the circulation desk to sign up. You can also sign up by sending your name, address, email address, phone number and $10 per person fees to Friends of the Fort Bragg Library, PO Box 2718, Fort Bragg, CA 95437.  In return, they’ll mail you a membership card. Each membership is good for the whole calendar year (Jan-Dec).

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Friends of the Fort Bragg Library is a great way to make friends and get more involved with your library and your community. The possibilities are endless.


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