Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Quarterly Expansion Report

Each quarter, the Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Expansion Committee will provide the public with an expansion update.

The Fort Bragg Library Expansion Committee meets the third Thursday of the month, 11 am, at Fort Bragg Branch Library and the public is invited to join the meetings and share their ideas for the expansion.

Quarterly Progress Report ~ April 2024

  • Expansion fundraising as of January 2024: over $1,044,00

  • Competing in Round Two of the California State Library’s Building Forward Library Infrastructure grant. Canceled due to State budgetary issues.

  • Updated and distributed Financial Advisers brochure.

  • Contacted legislators and received letter of support from Congressperson Jarrett Huffman.

  • Consultant pursuing planning permits for Library Expansion project.

  • Hosting community fundraisers, including coin jars in local stores.
  • Maintenance of Expansion site and fencing.

Quarterly Progress Report ~ Winter 2023

  • Expansion fundraising as of January 2023: over $750,000

  • Library staff and Friends board members have created a “wish list” based on best practices and patron suggestions.

  • Friends and Planning Consultant are working on floor plan that incorporates features from “wish list”.

  • Friends have met with a local architect and received a set of cost estimates based on proposed expansion.

  • A Statement of Interest letter was submitted to California State Library’s Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program.

Quarterly Progress Report ~ Fall 2022

  • Expansion fundraising as of September 2022: $743,206.00

  • Friends have contracted with a Grant writer to research and identify funding opportunities.

  • Consultation on design model, including proposed floor plan.

  • Community fundraisers and publicity to keep project in public eye.

  • Maintenance of Expansion Site and Fencing.

  • Working with City of Fort Bragg and City Council to advance project.