
Adult Coloring – the new trend

zen coloringColoring. For grownups? Really? Isn’t that child’s play?

How often we’ve heard these words at the library. Grownups today read YA books, ride bikes, eat childhood comfort foods like grilled cheese sandwiches and yes, they like to color.

According to an article in Time Magazine ( Mar. 2016), coloring books for adults are the new trend. “Nielson’s December 2015 survey found that 71% of adult colorers are female. While there’s a considerable millennial contingent-36% are ages 18-29-boomers enjoy coloring, too, with 19% being over 55.”

zen-coloring-2In chatting with library users who enjoy adult coloring, they claim coloring is calming and stress relieving and we all know stress release promotes mental health. As Sarah Begley, author of the Time article states, “Staying inside the lines, especially in more complex illustrations, takes a lot of concentration, which blocks out distractions. In this sense, coloring could be a species of mindfulness like meditation, which has been shown to reduce stress. Benefits of true mindfulness include everything from reduced blood pressure to increased immune strength, according to scientists.”

zen coloring 5Adult coloring also invokes a sense of nostalgia, sending the mind back in time to a simpler life. Coloring appeals to the child in us, the child who played in grandma’s parlor while listening to family chatter, surrounded by friendly faces, comfortable things and familiar smells. Just as adults are engaging in childhood antics such as Hula Hoops, scooters and Happy Meals, thus they’ve taken on coloring with a vengeance.

With this new fad spreading countrywide, nay, worldwide, Fort Bragg Library, like many libraries, has hopped on the trend wave. If you’re feeling the stress of everyday life and want some relief or if you just want to check out what types of people enjoy coloring, head on down to the library every Weds from 10:30-11:30. Free to adults. All supplies are provided. Just bring your creative self and a friend or two.

See you at the library!ZEN COLORING

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