New! 2025 Field of Dreams Local Seed Project Zines
New! 2025 Field of Dreams Local Seed Project Zines
Fort Bragg Seed Library is thrilled to announce our collaboration with Field of Dreams and Nourishing Seeds to distribute these fantastic new Local Seed Project Zines.
Field of Dreams’ Zines are beautifully designed growing guides that feature information on cultivating, harvesting, saving and sharing the seed from a locally adapted crop. The Zines also include a pack of seeds from the featured crop so you can grow and share your own seeds with the rest of the community. Everything is in the Zine to help the novice grower have a successful crop and save seeds.
Zines are being sent to participating seed libraries, some of which feature locally grown seeds of that seed library by grantees of our Farmer Support program. Others are being sent to Land Together, a prison garden program operating in 9 prisons throughout the State of California.
Zines are free to check out with the stipulation the borrower will save their best plants for seed & return the seed to the library for future sharing.
To check out a Zine from Fort Bragg Library, please email your choice of one of the 5 crops you wish to grow for seed and the Seed Librarian will contact you when your Zine is ready to pick up. Send your request to Peggy McGee at
Here are the Zines you can choose from: