Book Sale Proceeds Report

Friends of the Fort Bragg Library
Book Sale Proceeds Report

The Friends of the Fort Bragg Library hosted a quarterly book sale this past weekend (June 1 & 2) with a preview sale for members only Friday night (May 31). We are thrilled to report the community came through with sales of over $1600! Woot, woot! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

A shout out to all the Friends who helped in all areas of labor—from receiving donations, sorting, hauling, pricing, setting up and taking down and, of course, those who spent their time covering sale days. Thank you, Friends! We couldn’t do it without you!

Save the Date!

The next Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Book Sale will be Labor Day weekend (Aug 31, & Sep 1-member only pre-sale, Aug 30). Donations accepted the second Saturday of every ODD month, 12-3, in the alley west of the library.