I Spy: Who’s Using My Pollinator Garden?
Fort Bragg Seed Library Presents
“I Spy: Who’s Using My Pollinator Garden?”
with local pollinator specialist
Katy Pye
Thursday, April 5, 2018, 2-3 pm
Katy Pye is an award-winning, local author who retired from resource conservation work in 2000, and moved from the Sacramento Valley to South Caspar in 2005.
Her understanding of the relationships between plants and wildlife began in the ‘90s when she ran the Yolo County Resource Conservation District. It aimed to teach farmers and ranchers how to use wildlife habitat on their lands as a less expensive, more balanced way to control pests, weeds, and erosion, while increasing overall wildlife biodiversity.
Katy doesn’t call herself a gardener, rather says historically she has “gardened,” using the all-too-familiar, scatter-gun approach: “Oooo, that plant’s so pretty, where can I put it?”
However, her current book project based on how to track the pollinators using your garden, then adjusting your plantings to serve them, required her to get much closer and more personal with what she grows and why.
Katy’s presentation will share a small bit of her year-long process of discovery in and out of the garden.
Elizabeth’s Landing, a novel
winner of four book awards
Tracking the Flash: My Lighthouse Travel Log
Record your lighthouse visits and more in this special journal
Facebook: Katy Pye-Author
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Pinterest: Katy Pye-Author