
Meet the Author! Poetry Event with Melissa Eleftherion

Meet the Author!
Melissa Eleftherion, our own Mendocino County–Ukiah Teen and Adult Services Librarian, will be here January 27, 2018 at 2 pm to share her first full length book of poetry, Field Guide to Autobiography. Melissa will be reading from her book and sharing her experience in creating The Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange. Whether you write your own poetry, enjoy listening to poetry or just love reading it, you’ll want to hear about Melissa’s journey to publication.

EleftherionField Guide to Autobiography by Melissa Eleftherion

Reviews for Field Guide to Autobiography:
This book earns its title. It’s a field guide to the ecosystem that is being human. And that means it is also an autobiography. It is unclear in most of the poems where the human begins and ends, and this is how it should be. The world that comes out of these poems is luminous and difficult. This isn’t conventional nature poetry; it’s a poetry that helps us understand the future and the world that embeds us. – Juliana Spahr
What is a species autobiography? An autobiography not written through the convention of the senses? What is the bone mouth, what is it to break the surface? If autobiography is a particular history of body and bodies, then what kind of book is this? What does it permit itself: not to know? Does the book accomplish its non-human (human) aims? I like that there is a wren in it. I like that there’s a whale. – Bhanu Kapil
Forage the wilds of language with Melissa Eleftherion’s field guide and find yourself reconstituted in sensate particles of taste and sound. Saturated in the language of insects, these poems expose identity’s viscera down to its protoplasmic and mineral compositions, its Latinate roots, its collectivizing and individuating compulsions. Passing through syllabic way-stations of consciousness in formation, attention is brought to bear upon that which is irreducibly alien in us, yet common as fur and delectably female in its reproductive capacity – not to mention badass! Here are whorls, and bursts of light, where to fly is to sing is to fly, where “soft noises” compose a listening to instruct your ontological imagination. Following Eleftherion’s exertion towards classification, we are led to its (im)possibility. Read this book! You never know what form you may be compelled to assume. – Elise Ficarra

Image result for eleftherionAbout Melissa Eleftherion

Melissa Eleftherion grew up in Brooklyn. She is the author of huminsect (dancing girl press, 2013), prism maps (dusie kollektiv, 2014), Pigtail Duty (dancing girl press, 2015), and several other chapbooks and fragments. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, Delirious Hem, Entropy, Manifesting the Female Epic, Negative Capability, Open Letters Monthly, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, So to Speak, ​Tinderbox, ​& TRUCK. She works as a librarian with Mendocino County Libraries, and created, developed, and currently manages the Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange.​

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