
Library by Mail

Library by Mail

Bringing Library Materials to Homebound People in Mendocino County


The Mendocino County Library is pleased to announce Library by Mail. This free service sends library materials, including books (regular and large print), audiobooks, music CDs, and DVDs, to homebound residents of Mendocino County. This service is available to any Mendocino County resident with a valid library card who is temporarily or permanently unable to visit our physical library locations or Bookmobile due to lack of transportation or an illness or disability that makes them homebound.

“Part of Mendocino County Library’s Mission is to provide equitable access to materials,” explained Acting County Librarian Mellisa Hannum. “Being able to connect our homebound patrons to library books, DVDs, and more not only helps the Library to fulfill its Mission, it also allows us to serve and enrich our community.”

This is a no-cost program that allows patrons to borrow up to five items at once with a borrowing period of thirty-five days including delivery times. Items may be renewed automatically for an additional period or by contacting Library by Mail staff if there are no outstanding holds on the items.

Library by Mail patrons can request materials on their own through a form on our website, by using our online catalog, or by phone or mail. If help is needed selecting materials our library staff are always happy to make recommendations and help with making requests. To acquire a library card for Library by Mail, please contact branch staff or Library by Mail staff.

Materials will arrive in a postage-prepaid, green canvas bag, which also serves as the return envelope; borrowers simply place items in the bag, reverse the postage-stamped address label, and return via the U.S. Postal Service.

To learn more about the Mendocino County Library by Mail service, please view or contact the Library by Mail staff at 707-234-2861.

Other library by mail materials can be obtained from the California State Library’s Braille and Talking Books Collection.


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