
Love movies? Check out our new database, Kanopy!

What is Kanopy?

Kanopy is an award-winning video streaming service providing access to more than 30,000 independent and documentary films ─  titles of unique social and cultural value from The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, Media Education Foundation, PBS, and thousands of independent filmmakers. Kanopy adds upwards of 300 new releases per month, maintaining ongoing currency and variety. Kanopy also provides educational and entertaining videos for kids; find out more about Kanopy Kids.

Getting Started

How do I access Kanopy?

  • Go the library’s website or bookmark
  • You will see, “Welcome to Kanopy at Mendocino County Library” Click the orange “Continue” button.
  • Create an account using one of the following three methods: Facebook, Google, or email address. Go to your email inbox and look for a message from Kanopy instructing you to verify your email address.
  • NOTE: If you used Facebook or Google to sign in, you will not be able to use Kanopy’s “Forgot Password?” tool to retrieve a forgotten password.
  • If you have registered with an email address and password, go to your Inbox to verify your email address. Go back to Kanopy and add your library card number with no spaces and 4 digit PIN.

Can I use Kanopy with library accounts other than Mendocino County?

  • Yes, use the same Kanopy login and follow these steps to add a different library account to your Kanopy profile.
  • Go to your profile, located in the upper right side of the Kanopy site.
  • Select “My Dashboard” from the drop-down menu and then the “My Memberships” menu item.
  • Click the orange “Add a new membership” button to add another library.
  • Type in the other library’s name.
  • Click the INACTIVE button to enter your library card information and activate it.

Playing Videos

How many titles can I play?

10 titles (plays) per month.

What is the loan period?

72 hours (3 days)

How many times can I watch one video during the 3 day checkout period?

You can watch one video many times during the 72 hour checkout period, and it counts as one checkout.

Can I download videos?

No. At this time, videos can only be streamed online.

How to Access Kanopy

How can I stream Kanopy?

Kanopy can be streamed on smartphones, tablets, PCs and smart TVs – including Roku, iOS, Android, Chromecast, and Apple TV. Find free apps for Kanopy in your devices app store. For more information visit Kanopy support.

What are some of the accessibility features?

All films come with ADA-compliant captions and transcripts and are compatible with screen reader programs.

If there is a problem with a video, where can I get help?

If there is a problem with a video, you can send a message directly to Kanopy by clicking …More located on the video information page and click Report. Be sure to include as many helpful details as possible in your message.

I didn’t receive the message from Kanopy instructing me to verify my email address. What happened?

Sometimes these messages are filtered to your Spam or Junk Mail folders. Be sure to check these folders and allow to send messages to your Inbox.

How do I find out more about Kanopy Kids?

Visit our FAQ page about Kanopy Kids.

Kanopy – Help Center
Kanopy – Contact Us

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