
Harry Potter’s 40th Birthday Trivia Contest

HP TriviaLordy, lordy, Harry’s forty!

In honor of Harry Potter’s 40th birthday, Fort Bragg Library is celebrating with our Harry Potter’s 40th Birthday Trivia Contest. The contest is open to all residents of Mendocino County, CA with a valid Mendocino County Library Card. 

The first to reply with the most correct answers to our 40 questions will win a gift certificate to Gallery Bookshop.

All submissions must be received by 5 pm on Weds, August 5, 2020.

Send your answers (clearly numbered) along with your name and library card number to with HP Trivia in the subject line. Winner will be notified via email.

Here is the link to the trivia questions:

Harry Potter’s 40th Birthday Trivia Contest Questions



(Gallery Bookshop gift certificate provided by McGeeHomeGarden)




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