Fort Bragg Seed Library
A Talk With Gina Covina
April 7, 2017, 4-6 pm
Fort Bragg Library Community Room

Gina is the owner of Open Circle Seeds and will be teaching us how to save seeds and how to plant our gardens.
“After decades of gardening, the vegetables began to call me to a deeper involvement in the future of food. “Grow our seeds,” they said. “Help us carry on, and we’ll adapt ourselves to your changing climate and provide you with the nutrients you need.” What a deal. I began my seed education, relying heavily on the resources of the Organic Seed Alliance, and started selling the seed I grew in 2009, as Laughing Frog Farm Seeds.” Read more here https://www.opencircleseeds.com/about
Check out this great article about Gina, her Laughing Frog Farms and Open Circle Seeds
Ukiah Daily Journal, 3/4/16