
D.E.A.R. – Drop Everything and Read!

Drop Everything and Read!
Drop Everything and Read!

Celebrating Beverly Cleary’s 100th Birthday!

Join the Fort Bragg Branch Library in celebrating Beverly Cleary and D.E.A.R.–“Drop Everything and Read” Month—where dropping things (chores, errands, phones . . . okay, maybe not that last one) and reading books is highly encouraged!

Our belief is that reading, whether you’re on your own or cozying up on the couch with loved ones, is so much more fun and rewarding than just about anything else (especially, chores!). So, we’re telling folks of all ages to “drop” what they’re doing and pick up a book, instead.

Celebrate the joy of reading for the full month of April and “drop” by the library all month long and anytime you want to make reading a priority!

Happy Reading!

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