Curbside Pickups
Catalog Requests are back!
All Mendocino County Library Locations Now Offering
Curbside Service
Fort Bragg Library starts curbside service on Thursday, May 14th. You are permitted one request per week, limited to 5 items selected from our branch collection (or 20 seed packets total from our Seed Library).
You will need to consult the catalog and check to see that the material you want is in Fort Bragg Library with the status, “checked in.” Make a note of those items and then fill out your form. Submit the form and we’ll contact you to schedule a pick-up time.
Not sure how to search for a Checked In item? Check out this tutorial How to Search and Request a Checked In Item.
We’re giving specific appointments (every 10 minutes) to reduce crowding at curbside. When you come to pick up the items, you’ll see a table in front of the library’s front door. You can call the phone number shown on the sandwich board to tell us that you’re here. Your material will be put in a bag and placed on the table for you to pick up.
Please go to our online webforms to fill out requests.
Fort Bragg Library Materials Request Form
Fort Bragg Seed Library Request Form
Important Information and Guidelines:
- Wear a face covering.
- Practice social distancing and stay at least six feet apart.
- Do not congregate around material pick up areas.
- Do not approach the table until the staff member placing your bag is safely inside the library.
- Do not approach staff.
- At this time all library branches are closed to the public.
All branches and book drops are closed to returning materials.**- No donations are being accepted.
- Requests will not be made at the door.
**Update! RETURNS are now allowed Tues-Fri, 11am-3pm**
Thanks for playing by the new rules. We want to get library material into your hands while following the current safety guidelines!