Catalog Requests are back!
Catalog Requests are Back!
Our Curbside Service has opened up requests to include any branch in the tri-county system! Just request items through our Find! catalog and when the items get here, contact us to set up an appointment for curbside pickup.
Curbside Services will continue to be available, Monday through Friday from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm, by appointment only. Item requests can only be made by using the library Find! catalog, the MCL app, or by calling your branch for assistance.
For the safety of all, Mendocino County Library staff will be wearing masks and washing/sanitizing hands prior to handling requested items. In addition, all items available for request will be properly quarantined and/or disinfected in accordance with CDC protocols.
To ensure successful service please carefully follow the instructions given to you by library staff.
How to Use Curbside Service
Request items by using the Mendocino County Library Find! catalog, the Mendocino County Library app or by calling the branch at 707-964-2020 M-F, 10 am – 5 pm
Requests now available from any location in our tri-county system (Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma)
Due to item quarantine, transport and availability – items may not be available for a week or longer
When you receive your automated notice that the item has arrived and is being held (automated notices come by text, email, phone or mail) contact the Library at 707-964-2020 to schedule a curbside pick-up reservation time.
Pick up is by time-slot reservation only. No drop-ins.
Seeds are still available to request (up to 20 seed packets total per individual card holder). See details and access the Mendocino County Seed Library request form HERE.
How Curbside Pickup Works:
Always properly wear a face covering.
If you have questions at the curb, please call the number on the sign when you arrive for your scheduled pickup time.
Library staff will place the bag with your items on the table outside the front door with the first 4 letters of your last name on the bag, (as we did on your “hold slip”).
Approach the table only when your items have been placed there.
Practice social distancing and stay at least six feet apart.
Do not congregate around material pick up areas.
Maintain recommended social distance from staff.

Returns are being accepted Tues-Fri, 11 am – 3 pm (except Fri July 3rd when the library will be observing the Independence Day holiday).
Please take material to Meeting Room door and place on the black cart. Staff monitor the cart for returned items every 5 minutes.
Other important information
At this time Fort Bragg Branch Library remains closed to the public.
No donations of material are being accepted at this time.
Questions or Concerns? Give us a call, Monday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm. 707-964-2020 or shoot us an email