
Author Event – Gary K Cole, “Name Tagging”

Fort Bragg Library presents

An Afternoon Reading and Discussion

with Gary K Cole, author of  “Name Tagging”

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 2-3 pm


Name Tagging

From the publisher

Name Tagging is a new and inspiring angle of vision concerning those who are termed alcoholics, addicts—of all substances and actions or habits, the “oholic” organizations, and other individuals suffering under confusion of who they are.

It offers an alternative to popular and contemporary methods of treatment for these names, terms, and misconceptions about the self and the numerous difficulties encountered—with reprieve from self-incrimination, blame, and embarrassment. It is intended to encourage an amount of discernment for those who are called other than what they are.

Written from experience, observation, academics, compassion, and love, this book hopes to help those who labor under difficulties, deserving more than a term of rapid description or abbreviation of whatever difficulty one is struggling with.

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