
Poem in Your Pocket Day

Poem in Your Pocket Day

April 28, 2022

April is poetry month and you know what that means? It’s Poem in Your Pocket time!
Yessiree! And this year’s theme is EARTH SPEAKS.

Is there a poem about the earth that really makes you feel awake and alive, one you would carry with you to share with a friend? Because, April 28th is Poem in Your Pocket Day and Fort Bragg Library would love to share your poem!

Here’s what we’d like you to do:

  • Film yourself reading the poem (try filming it on your phone!).
  • Keep it under 3 minutes and speak clearly.
  • If you are using someone else’s poem, you must give credit to the author.
  • Send the video clip (video+audio required) to no later than April 26th.
  • Your email must include your name and this statement: “Fort Bragg Library is permitted to use my film for its compilation. I retain rights to original material if I wrote it myself. I consent to the use of my image in this library video.“

Fort Bragg Library will make a compilation of people’s poems and post it on our Fort Bragg Library Youtube channel on April 28th.

All ages are welcome to submit videos: youth, adults, kids. You can find a poem you like and read it solo or have your friends or parents join in!

Feeling too shy to read your poem out loud? That’s okay, because you can submit your original poem in document form instead of video and we’ll include it in our post. Please email your poem, either as a Word document or PDF along with your photo to the same email address Please include this line in the body of the email “Fort Bragg Library is permitted to use my poem for its compilation. I retain rights to original material if I wrote it myself. I consent to the use of my image in this library video or post.“

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