
2015 Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Annual Meeting

annual meeting

To all Friends of the Fort Bragg Library

The Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Board of Directors, in conjunction with Fort Bragg Library, invite you to join us for our Friends of the Fort Bragg Library Annual Meeting, January 10, 2015 10:30 am @ Fort Bragg Library.  At the meeting we’ll be discussing our achievements for the past year(s), our plans for the coming year(s) and opening up the meeting for questions and discussions.  We’ll also be providing some delicious refreshments for your enjoyment.

All Friends of the Fort Bragg Library are welcome!

Not a member?  It’s easy and inexpensive to join.  Drop by the library and let the staff know you’d like to be a member, fill out a simple form, pay your $5 dues and voila!  you’re friends with the library!  You can also become a member by sending your dues to

Friends of the Fort Bragg Library, Inc.

P.O. Box 2718

Fort Bragg, CA 95437-2718

Benefits of being a Friend of the Library include, but aren’t limited to, early entry into the Annual Labor Day Weekend Book Sale, the quarterly newsletter letting you know what’s happening with the library and the Friends.  Plus you have the added benefit of knowing you’re supporting your local public library!

So set the date, January 10, 2015 @ 10:00 am in the Fort Bragg Library Community Room.  Hope to see you there!

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