Your input is valuable to us.

Fort Bragg Library Community Meeting

Monday, March 24, 2014, 6-8 pm

 At the Fort Bragg Library Community Room

The Mendocino County Library wants to hear from you!  Tell us your thoughts about the future direction of the library, what’s working, what’s not working and what we could offer that we are not offering now.  This is your opportunity to participate in shaping the strategic vision for the libraries.

Everyone is welcome whether you use the library or not.  Your opinion is important to us.

Refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact Wally Clark 707-964-2020

Junta Comunitaria, Biblioteca De Fort Bragg

Lunes, Marzo 24, 6:00-8:00 pm

Biblioteca De Fort Bragg, Salon Comunicario

Todos están invitados

Está es tu oportunidad para informar a la biblioteca acerca de lo que tu plensas que funciona, que no es necesario y lo que tu quieres en un futuro.

Dinos que servicios, funciones y materiales necesita tu biblioteca para proveer a ti y a tu familia.

Se servirán bebidas refrescantes

Información:   Wally Clark 707-964-2020

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