Overdrive (Rakuten Overdrive) & Libby

What is Overdrive?

OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. With thousands of E-Books and Audiobooks in all areas of fiction and nonfiction to choose from there is always something to read.

All E-Books and Audiobooks automatically return themselves, so there are never any late fees. To return items early, see device-specific instructions and use the help pages below.

Loan period: E-Books and E-Audiobooks check out for your choice of 7, 14, or 21 days.

Checkout limit:  6 titles  Request (Hold) limit:  5 titles  Hold period:  5 days

How Do I Get Started?

Have your library card ready (Don’t have one? No problem! Check out our Online registration page)

Visit our shared OverDrive website.

Log in with your library card number and PIN to choose from thousands of titles. (PIN is usually the last 4 digits of your phone number)

Check out OverDrive’s getting started guide

The Libby App

Overdrive features a new user-friendly app called Libby which is available for download to most Android and Apple devices. Just visit your device’s app store and search for Libby.

Need Assistance?

Visit OverDrive’s Help pages. (Scroll down for your device)

Report a download problem if you get an error message with this form.

Contact us by email, phone, or in person.