Native Plants ~ a Seed Library Presentation
Fort Bragg Seed Library
Native Plants: Identification, Seed Collection and Propagation
with guest speaker, Helene Chalfin of Jughandle Creek Farm & Nature Center
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 2-4 pm
Why Native Plants?
By creating a habitat garden you can support the local wild food web. Start with insects, and the animals that eat them will come. California’s wild creatures are adapted to coexist with and depend on native plants.
Notice how strip malls make suburbs all over the U.S. look the same? Gardens with the same old plants make one area look just like anywhere else. Instead, let your garden celebrate the special region where you live.
Indigenous plants need minimal maintenance and can be grown without insecticides and herbicides.
Natives attract insects that pollinate food plants and control pest bugs, making them ideal for permaculture landscapes.
Native plants have beautiful forms and textures, and their beauty is enhanced by the butterflies and birds they attract.
A multi-dimensional garden that includes native plants will give you more to share with your neighbors, both human and otherwise.
Jughandle Creek Farm and Nature Center in the news: